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In the different levels, you will find animals for your Chao. Here you can see where you can find the different animals. The first four animals can be found in Eggman's robots or hiding in pipes (you have to whistle next to the pipe for the animal to come out of hiding). The fifth animals are either the special or ghost type animals, which are found in the third Chao box, or in the harder to find places of the level.


City Escape

Racoon Rabbit Skunk Sheep Unicorn

Metal Harbor

Seal Penguin Peacock Racoon Phoenix

Green Forest

Rabbit Cheetah Parrot Racoon Half Fish

Pyramid Cave

Condor Peacock Bat Sheep Skeleton Dog

Crazy Gadget

Bear Tiger Seal Skunk Phoenix

Final Rush

Peacock Condor Penguin Sheep Dragon

Cannons Core

Cheetah Parrot Rabbit Skunk Dragon


Wild Canyon

Peacock Condor Cheetah Sheep Dragon

Pumpkin Hill

Cheetah Warthog Bat Skeleton Dog Half Fish

Aquatic Mine

Penguin Seal Condor Skunk Dragon

Death Chamber

Tiger Gorilla Rabbit Skunk Skeleton Dog

Meteor Herd

Penguin Seal Rabbit Sheep Phoenix

Cannons Core

Otter Seal Cheetah Racoon Unicorn


Prison Lane

Tiger Gorilla Otter Sheep Unicorn

Mission Street

Warthog Rabbit Gorilla Sheep Phoenix

Hidden Base

Penguin Otter Tiger Skunk Dragon

Eternal Engine

Condor Parrot Warthog Racoon Half Fish

Cannons Core

Seal Otter Bear Racoon Phoenix


Radical Highway

Cheetah Warthog Seal Racoon Unicorn

White Jungle

Parrot Peacock Bear Skunk Dragon

Sky Rail

Bear Tiger Condor Sheep Phoenix

Final Chase

Otter Penguin Tiger Skunk Phoenix


Dry Lagoon

Otter Peacock Penguin Sheep Unicorn

Egg Quarters

Gorilla Bear Parrot Skunk Half Fish

Security Hall

Parrot Tiger Condor Racoon Phoenix

Mad Space

Parrot Peacock Gorilla Racoon Phoenix

Cannons Core

Bear Cheetah Condor Skunk Dragon


Iron Gate

Gorilla Tiger Rabbit Skunk Dragon

Sand Ocean

Parrot Peacock Bat Racoon Skeleton Dog

Lost Colony

Rabbit Warthog Bat Racoon Skeleton Dog

Weapons Bed

Seal Otter Cheetah Sheep Phoenix

Cosmic Wall

Rabbit Cheetah Otter Sheep Unicorn

Cannons Core

Bear Gorilla Seal Skunk Unicorn

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