There are three Chaos Chao. The Chaos Chao require a lot of time and patience to get. The reason why they are so complex
to create is because they are immortal and never die. The three Chaos Chao are the Light Chao (Neutral Chaos Chao), the
Angel Chao (Hero Chaos Chao), and the Devil Chao (Dark Chaos Chao).
First of all you must reincarnate your Chao at least twice. When this is done, you must then give the Chao ONE of EVERY
animal (Yes, all 21 animals - NO CHAOS DRIVES).
Note: When making a Light Chao, make sure it stays neutral for evolution
by using a mixture of Hero and Dark characters to care for it.
When it evolves it will be a Light Chao! |
Follow the first two steps of making a Light Chao. (Reincarnate it at least twice and give it one of every animal - NO
Note: When making an Angel Chao, make sure it is on the Hero side for evolution by using Hero character
to look after it.
When it evolves it will be a Angel Chao! |
Follow the first two steps of making the other two Chaos Chao.
Note: When making an Dark Chao, make sure it is
on the Dark side for evolution by using Dark character to look after it.
When it evolves it will be a Dark Chao! |
Chaos Chao F.A.Q
Chaos Chao Frequently Asked Questions I don't understand, how do
I make one? Ok i'll run over the step breifly. Firstly pick a Chao that has reincarnated twice or more. Now when
it is a baby, give it one of each animal, and no chaos drives. Now when it evolves it will turn into a Chaos Chao. It will
be an Angel Chao if it evolves Hero, Devil Chao if it evolves Dark, or Light Chao if it evolves Neutral
It didn't work! This DOES work. You probably did
something wrong. Maybe you gave it more/less of the correct amount of animals? I suggest making an animal checklist when creating
a Chaos Chao so you don't get mixed up accidently. What
is reincarnation? When your Chao dies and comes back to life. Can I feed my Chao fruit? Yes you can, in fact you should or it will become very hungry and
upset! Do I need a Dark/Hero/Chao Fruit? No,
all you need to to make sure it evolves into the correct alignment. Alignment fruit are not necesarry.
Can I give it Chaos Drives before it evolves? No.
Can I give it Animals/Chaos Drives in its previous lives? Yes.
Anything that happens in previous lives do not affect anything. Only what you do in the life that you want the Chao to become
a Chaos Chao matters. What about when its
a Chaos Chao? Then you can give it whatever you like. It won't suddenly stop being a Chaos Chao or anything =)
Do Chaos Chao Die? Nope. Its rumoured that Chaos
Chao die if abused a lot (and I mean a LOT), but it will not die through normal raising. You will have an immortal Chao!
Do they get animal parts? Nope. They do not show
any animal parts at all. Can Chaos Chao
breed? No, they cannot. Can
I give my Chaos Chao a hat? Yes, they can wear hats. Can Chaos Chao be different colours? Yes, try creating Chaos Chao with Coloured Chao, Jewel
Chao,two tone chao, monotone chao, etc. You will be able to create lots of nice, different Chaos Chao!