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You can give your Chao a hat to make it look more individual and unique.
You can give your Chao different items to use as hats. You can buy hats from the Black Market (except the first three).

Pumpkin Pumpkin

The Pumpkin Hat can be found in both the Normal Garden and the Hero Garden by digging. Can be sold for 50 rings.

Skull Skull

The Skull Hat can only be found by digging in the Dark Garden. Can be sold for 50 rings.

Eggshell Eggshell

For the Egg Shell hat, you don't need to dig, you simply use the egg shell from a newborn Chao. You can use any egg so you can have red egg shell hats, gold egg shell hats, etc. The one in the picture is a normal egg shell hat. Can be sold for 50 rings.

Apple Apple
2000 rings

A huge apple to put on your Chao.

?I wonder how they get this thing on?

Cardboard Box Cardboard Box
2000 rings

An empty cardboard box; perfect fit for your Chao's head.

Pan Pan
2000 rings

An old, worn out pan.

Can Can
4000 rings

An empty silver can.

Paper Bag Paper Bag
4000 rings

A paper grocery bag, no free groceries though.

Tree Tree
4000 rings

One of my favourites: A tree stump - it even has its own branch with some leaves =)

Bucket Bucket
6000 rings

An empty worn out Bucket.

Flower Pot Flower Pot
6000 rings

A big empty flower pot.

Watermelon Watermelon
6000 rings

A watermelon with a cut out smile on it!

Red Wool Hat Red Wool Hat
8000 rings

A warm, striped wooly hat. Red and yellow in colour.

Blue Wool Hat Blue Wool Hat
10000 rings

A warm, striped wooly hat. Blue and cyan in colour.

Black Wool Hat Black Wool Hat
20000 rings

A warm, striped wooly hat. Black and grey in colour.

However, to get your Chao to wear a Hat, you must first give it a Skeleton Dog. To see where to find Skeleton Dogs, please look in the 'animals' section.
Once your Chao has a hat on, the only known way to take it off is to attack your Chao!
If the hat doesn't seem to come off, then maybe you have too many items in your Chao Garden. Sell a few to the black market then try again.

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