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Ok, so your Chao is evolving? In depth - it doesn't just evolve into Hero, Dark or Neutral - it evolves into different types of each. The type it evolves into depends on what attribute your Chao is best at.

To make a certain type, choose whether you want your Chao to be Hero, Dark or Neutral, and give it a certain colour/class of of drives/animals to make sure it is best at that stat. This way, when it evolves, it will look like the desired Chao.

Yellow = Swimming

Purple = Flying

Green = Running

Red = Power

None = Nothing, or very little animals/drives

Neutral Chao

Neutral/Swim Neutral/Swim
Basic Fish Chao

Yellow and green, with dark green highlights.

Neutral/Fly Neutral/Fly
Basic NiGHTS Chao

Pinkish purple with two jesters. Nice wings. Resembles the Sega character NiGHTS.

Neutral/Run Neutral/Run
Basic Sonic Chao

A green coloured Chao resembling Sonic. Big feet and three spikes on the back of its head.

Neutral/Power Neutral/Power
Basic Dragon Chao

Red with orange highlights. Has three spikes and a darker belly.

Neutral Neutral
Normal Chao

Looks like a normal newborn Chao, except has green highlights instead of yellow.

Hero Chao

Hero/Swim Hero/Swim
Basic Streamline Chao

Greenish blue markings with two flat leaf type things on the top of its head.

Hero/Fly Hero/Fly
Basic Sky Chao

Purple markings with two smaller leaf type things coming up from its head.

Hero/Run Hero/Run
Basic Spike Chao

Blueish markings with a small spike on its head.

Hero/Power Hero/Power
Basic Energy Chao

Red/orange markings with three small rounded spikes on its head.

Hero Hero
Normal Hero Chao

Blue and yellow markings with two very small leaf type things coming from the back of its head.

Dark Chao

Dark/Swim Dark/Swim
Basic Ninja Chao

This Chao has aqua markings and has one small spike coming up from the back of its head.

Dark/Fly Dark/Fly
Basic Reala Chao

Has two jesters and is a dark purple colour. Resembles the Sega character Reala. (From the game NiGHTS into dreams)

Dark/Run Dark/Run
Basic Shadow Chao

Resembles Shadow but has bright green markings. Has three spikes at the back of its head.

Dark/Power Dark/Power
Basic Cone Chao

Has a cone shaped head with a red stripy top, and stripy hands.

Dark Dark
Normal Dark Chao

Black with some red markings.

Once your Chao has reached its first evolution - it will still undergo another evolution.

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