
element chao
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ice chao
Make a  transparent sky blue chao.  Make it into a neautral power-power and it will look like ice and its head will have ice crystals on it.
fire chao
Get a shiney red or shiney orange chao.  Make it into a neutral run-fly chao and then give it all the pheonix parts.  (optional) give it the dragon antenaes
hell-fire chao
Get a two tone shiney orange chao.  Make it into a dark
run-run. (optional) give it dragon antenaes.
lightning chao
Get a shiney yellow chao.  Make it a dark fly-fly.  Give it lots of fly and run so its realy like lightning!
lava chao
Get a two tone red or orange chao(can be shiney).  Make it a dark powe-power.  It will look like its made of half dried out lava.
rock chao
Get a gray chao.  Make it a dark fly-run.  Give it lots of power so it is like a rock.
diamond chao
get a shiny gray chao and make it a hero nothing-run.
drill chao
Get a two tone shiney gray chao.  Make it a dark

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