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The first colour is for the first evolution, and the second colour is for the second evolution.

Dark/Swim/Swim Dark/Swim/Swim
Advanced Ninja Chao

Has the same colours of the Basic Ninja Chao and has small yellow wings.

Dark/Swim/Fly Dark/Swim/Fly
Shark Chao

This Chao is coloured blue and black, with a weird spike coming out of its head.

Dark/Swim/Run Dark/Swim/Run
Piranha Chao

This Chao has a spike coming from the back of its head, and has aqua coloured markings.

Dark/Swim/Power Dark/Swim/Power
Forest Chao

A chubby chao that is made up of many shades of greens. Also has three spikes on top of its head.

Dark/Swim/None Dark/Swim/None
Simple Ninja Chao

Almost exactly like the Basic Ninja Chao, but has a longer spike behind its head.

Dark/Fly/Swim Dark/Fly/Swim
Jester Chao

The Chao's jesters grow and droop by the side of the Chao's head. The tips of its feet and hands are a light blue.

Dark/Fly/Fly Dark/Fly/Fly
Advanced Reala Chao

The jesters grow and become slightly jagged. Also becomes slightly darker.

Dark/Fly/Run Dark/Fly/Run
Orb Chao

Has light purple markings and the jesters morph into balls.

Dark/Fly/Power Dark/Fly/Power
Satan Chao

The Chao's jesters grow upwards and turn into two huge horns.

Dark/Fly/None Dark/Fly/None
Simple Reala Chao

Just like the Basic Reala Chao except with longer jesters.

Dark/Run/Swim Dark/Run/Swim
Ocean Chao

Turns a darker blue with peachy coloured markings.

Dark/Run/Fly Dark/Run/Fly
Eco Chao

The Chao's spikes seem to split slightly and the markings become a bright yellow.

Dark/Run/Run Dark/Run/Run
Advanced Shadow Chao

Black with red markings, and three spikes on the back of its head. Resembles Shadow.

Dark/Fly/Power Dark/Run/Power
Spear Chao

Made up of dark blue colours and its middle spike grows slightly more upwards.

Dark/Run/None Dark/Run/None
Simple Shadow Chao

The colours of the Basic Shadow Chao turn slightly more darker.

Dark/Power/Swim Dark/Power/Swim
Sock Chao

It has a dark green colour with a light blue tummy. Its hands are stripy.

Dark/Power/Fly Dark/Power/Fly
Villain Chao

A dark purple colour with a lighter stomach and has orange stripy hands.

Dark/Power/Run Dark/Power/Run
Bumblebee Chao

A greeny colour with orange stripy hands and a stripy head.

Dark/Power/Power Dark/Power/Power
Advanced Cone Chao

This big Chao has a big curvy, stripy head and large stripy hands.

Dark/Power/None Dark/Power/None
Simple Cone Chao

Just like the Basic Cone Chao except this Chao's colours are more darker.

Dark/None/Swim Dark/None/Swim
Dark Swim Chao

Like a normal Dark Chao except the back of its head curves down and its markings are peachy.

Dark/None/Fly Dark/None/Fly
Dark Fly Chao

Is exactly like a normal Dark Chao except has a sharper spike on its head and purpler colour markings.

Dark/None/Run Dark/None/Run
Dark Run Chao

Very purple with a slight larger spike on the back of its head.

Dark/None/Power Dark/None/Power
Dark Power Chao

Is exactly like a normal Dark Chao except has an oranger tint and a longer head.

Dark/None/None Dark/None/None
Dark Chao

A general Dark Chao

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