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The first colour is for the first evolution, and the second colour is for the second evolution.

Hero/Swim/Swim Hero/Swim/Swim
Advanced Streamline Chao

Vivid colours with long petal like things extending down its head.

Hero/Swim/Fly Hero/Swim/Fly
Wavy Chao

Curvy head pieces with green and yellow markings.

Hero/Swim/Run Hero/Swim/Run
Marine Chao

Many blue shades make up this Chao. Has two long head pieces extending down its head.

Hero/Swim/Power Hero/Swim/Power
Biscuit Chao

This Chao is also quite fat, with two large ears.

Hero/Swim/None Hero/Swim/None
Simple Streamline Chao

Like the Basic Streamline Chao, with a different range of colours.

Hero/Fly/Swim Hero/Fly/Swim
Flight Chao

This Chao has jagged like things on its head, and has blue purple markings.

Hero/Fly/Fly Hero/Fly/Fly
Advanced Sky Chao

Four long, stringy hair like things extend from this Chao's head. Has purple markings.

Hero/Fly/Run Hero/Fly/Run
Wing Chao

Purple markings and has two petal like things coming from its head.

Hero/Fly/Power Hero/Fly/Power
Feather Chao

Two long straight things coming up from the Chao's head. Mainly uses purple colours.

Hero/Fly/None Hero/Fly/None
Simple Sky Chao

Similar to the Basic Sky Chao.

Hero/Run/Swim Hero/Run/Swim
Fountain Chao

Lots of stripes on its hands and top of its head. Two petal like things extend off the top of the Chao.

Hero/Run/Fly Hero/Run/Fly
Fan Chao

Purple markings and blue wings, with a shaped object from its head.

Hero/Run/Run Hero/Run/Run
Advanced Spike Chao

Light blue markings and its head splits into three petal like things.

Hero/Fly/Power Hero/Run/Power
Tower Chao

Has weaker purple markings. Its head has a long thing with a ball on the end.

Hero/Run/None Hero/Run/None
Simple Spike Chao

A long spike like thing is on the top of this Chao's head. Has blue markings and stripy blue hands.

Hero/Power/Swim Hero/Power/Swim
Bloom Chao

Slightly chubby Chao with pink markings, and has shaped head pieces

Hero/Power/Fly Hero/Power/Fly
Petal Chao

Purple markings and has head pieces that look like petals.

Hero/Power/Run Hero/Power/Run
Rose Chao

This Chao has mellow pink/peach markings and has a rose like head piece.

Hero/Power/Power Hero/Power/Power
Advanced Energy Chao

This Chao has lots of red markings and is quite big. It has three large things extending from its head.

Hero/Power/None Hero/Power/None
Simple Energy Chao

Just like the Basic Energy Chao except is slightly bigger.

Hero/None/Swim Hero/None/Swim
Hero Swim Chao

Has cyan colour markings and has bunny ear like things on its head.

Hero/None/Fly Hero/None/Fly
Hero Fly Chao

Has weaker purple markings with two ball like things on its head.

Hero/None/Run Hero/None/Run
Hero Run Chao

Has a mixture of bright and dull blue markings, with two sharp needle like things extending from its head.

Hero/None/Power Hero/None/Power
Hero Power Chao

This Chao has dark blue markings with some pink strips. Has two ball like things on its head.

Hero/None/None Hero/None/None
Hero Chao

A general Hero Chao

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