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The first colour is for the first evolution, and the second colour is for the second evolution.

Neutral/Swim/Swim Neutral/Swim/Swim
Advanced Fish Chao

Light blue highlights, and the head is more rounded with longer ears.

Neutral/Swim/Fly Neutral/Swim/Fly
Multi Chao

A quite thin Chao, with lots of colours.

Neutral/Swim/Run Neutral/Swim/Run
Aqua Chao

A small Chao with many coloured markings, mostly consisting of green and aqua.

Neutral/Swim/Power Neutral/Swim/Power
Sumo Chao

Very fat, has a very large stomach that sticks out.

Neutral/Swim/None Neutral/Swim/None
Simple Fish Chao

Slightly taller than the Basic Fish Chao, and has larger ears.

Neutral/Fly/Swim Neutral/Fly/Swim
Armor Chao

Feet become flatter, and the head becomes more spread out, as if to protect it.

Neutral/Fly/Fly Neutral/Fly/Fly
Advanced NiGHTS Chao

Longer jesters and larger, brighter wings. Resembles NiGHTS a lot more

Neutral/Fly/Run Neutral/Fly/Run
Ram Chao

The jesters curl backwards and the Chao becomes a more mellow pink.

Neutral/Fly/Power Neutral/Fly/Power
Scorpian Chao

The Chao's jesters grow upwards and curve like a scorpions tail, and the Chao becomes much redder.

Neutral/Fly/None Neutral/Fly/None
Simple NiGHTS Chao

The wings turn orange and the jesters straighten back behind the Chao's head.

Neutral/Run/Swim Neutral/Run/Swim
Lifeform Chao

The Chao's feet become long and pointy and turn an aqua colour. Spikes become more joined.

Neutral/Run/Fly Neutral/Run/Fly
Elf Chao

Turns a weaker purple and its feet and spikes curl up.

Neutral/Run/Run Neutral/Run/Run
Advanced Sonic Chao

This Chao is a rich blue colour and resembles Sonic.

Neutral/Fly/Power Neutral/Run/Power
Boxer Chao

Has a cone shaped head with a red stripy top, and stripy hands.

Neutral/Run/None Neutral/Run/None
Simple Sonic Chao

A brighter blue colour and is just like the Basic Sonic Chao in shape

Neutral/Power/Swim Neutral/Power/Swim
Hydro Chao

Its ears and feet have purple markings and its stomach and feet are quite chubby.

Neutral/Power/Fly Neutral/Power/Fly
Volcano Chao

Head is like a volcano, and fists are similar to those of Knuckles. Stripes are on its feet and ears.

Neutral/Power/Run Neutral/Power/Run
Antenna Chao

Ears look like antenna, and go straight up. Hands and feet have orangy yellow markings.

Neutral/Power/Power Neutral/Power/Power
Advanced Dragon Chao

Big and Red. Huge bulky body, hands, feet and head. Looks powerful.

Neutral/Power/None Neutral/Power/None
Simple Dragon Chao

Just like the Basic Dragon Chao except this Chao's head is more rounded.

Neutral/None/Swim Neutral/None/Swim
Normal Swim Chao

Is exactly like a normal Chao except the tip of its head goes up and starts to curl.

Neutral/None/Fly Neutral/None/Fly
elvis Chao

Is exactly like a normal Chao except the tip of its head curls forward.

Neutral/None/Run Neutral/None/Run
Normal Run Chao

Is exactly like a normal Chao except the tip of its head goes straight back.

Neutral/None/Power Neutral/None/Power
Normal Power Chao

Is exactly like a normal Chao except the tip of its head goes up.

Neutral/None/None Neutral/None/None
Normal Chao

Very normal...

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